Welcome to the shopping cart for
Raiden Miniatures / I-94 Enterprises

We've changed the website a bit with more changes forthcoming.

We are:
Manufacturers of the Raiden Line of 1/285 aircraft miniatures in (Europe -'White Metal'; in the US and Canada, 'tin alloy') the material as noted.
Manufacturers of the 'Decal Details' line of decals for 1/100-1/600 aircraft, 1/76 -1/300 armor and an assortment of other uses for wargaming and modeling. Heck, folks have used some decals for custom motorcycle work.....
Manufacturers of resin building and terrain features in 6mm/10mm and 15mm. Most are targeted toward Napoleonic /WWI/WW2 Eastern and Western Europe themes. These are not on this website but are partially on the I-94 Enterprises website.
As of 10 June 2019, we are the owners of the Scale Specialties line of decals targeting 1/160 armor and aircraft, 1/285 -1/300 aircraft and 10mm Samurai. We wish Penelope Harms well in her future endeavors. She held the line not quite 5 years after Norm passed away. 
We are publishers of scenario books in support of the Check Your 6! system - Colorful Skies, Crusaders Over 'Nam, Battles Above and Desperate Measures

We are distributors and resellers of Scotia's line of 1/300 aircraft. We do not stock the line in full, we only stock select items. Our Scotia is purchased through MSD Games in the USA, they are the licensed manufacturer for North America. Our Scotia numbering system uses MSD's stock numbers
We are distributors and resellers of MSD's line of 1/285 aircraft miniatures. 
We do not stock the line in full, we only stock select items

We are, as best as possible, one stop shopping for all things Check Your 6! offering rules, scenario books, aircraft minis, magnets, flight stands, accessories from Fight's On! and gaming mats.

We have been integrating the 2 stand alone websites - I-94 Enterprises and Raiden Miniatures - into 1 site with this shopping cart as a stand alone area.

We offer generous trade terms on the items we manufacture and distribute.

Thank you for your time, patience, patronage and consideration in letting us help you make your hard earned, not to be squandered gaming bucks (money) go a bit further.

I-94 Enterprises
Raiden Miniatures
Hastings, Michigan, USA

Raiden -1/285th Scale Aircraft, Stands, Magnets, Accessories
1/285th Scale Aircraft Carriers
Battle Sets
Fight's On! Air Gaming Goodies
Squadron Packs
1/2400-1/3000 Aircraft Bases
1/285 Goblintooth WWI aircraft, rules, stands
Game Mats
Genealogical - selling off parents' book library subjects
Heroics and Ros items
Miniatures Storage Boxes
MSD - 1/285 Aircraft
Resin Terrain, Railroad & Buildings
Target line of things to strafe
The Surplus Bin
Viking Forge 1/2400 Naval

3 packs of FS-10 Pack of 12 aircraft minis adaptor - 36 total
3 packs of FS-10 Pack of 12 aircraft minis adaptor - 36 total
6 packs of FS-10 Pack of 12 aircraft minis adaptor - 72 total
6 packs of FS-10 Pack of 12 aircraft minis adaptor - 72 total